Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
One of the biggest problems associated with UPS systems is that clients may not know anything is wrong until the UPS fails. Most systems are located in remote areas of the building, making them susceptible to prolonged periods without inspection. The most common reason for a UPS failure is an undetected open battery cell during transfer of the load, or fan failure causing the unit to overheat.
With BDS Integration, our UPS monitoring solutions continuously check potential failure points and allow you to stay ahead of any possible problems. We survey summary alarms, battery levels and complete real-time monitoring via Modbus, BACnet and other protocols to ensure your UPS operates 24/7.
Typical Monitoring/Control Points:
- Inverter and rectifier failure
- Battery condition
- UPS on battery
- Fault alarms or conditions
- Capability to do a soft shutdown in the event of emergency generator failure
- Advanced monitoring included, but not limited to real-time voltage, amperages, kW and run hour readings